Why Belong to First Christian Church
Our Position
1. A Christian Church
Our message is that “Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” We require no other creed. He alone is Lord and Savior.
2. A church seeking unity
Members of First Christian Church seek to be one in Christ with all other He calls His own.
3. A church seeking to restore
As much as possible, we imitate the New Testament precedents. That is why our baptism is by immersion, our Communion is every Lord’s Day, our leaders are called elders, our preaching is about Christ.
4. A thinking church
In Ephesians 2, Paul prays that God will give a “Spirit of wisom and revelation, so that you may know Him better…” Christian faith demands the best our minds can give, so we are a studying church, seeking to apply bibical truth intelligently.